The situation in the valley was peacefully resolved through negotiations and the departure of various non-local groups from the region. Gradually most of the Chechen refugees left the valley also to seek refuge in other countries across Europe with a few hundred remaining behind. Since 2004 the local inhabitants have seen the return of peace and stability back to the valley.
The majority of Pankisi Kists have no jobs or productive activities to engage in. Nearly all families subsist off their land which provides for most of their food needs. Younger generations who have graduated or are still in higher education face tough future prospects in finding employment. Fortunately, their education is subsidized or free, owing to their low income. This situation forces some to work abroad and for others to continue in education. Education is highly valued among the Kists. The older generation were schooled in the Soviet era, they look upon today’s difficult times as a product of the failure by authorities to create and administer economic and development plans for the region and its inhabitants.
Nazy's Guest House
House 26
Jokolo Village
Akhmeta District
Republic of Georgia